I Was a 12-Year-Old Rock Star

Our Lips Unsealed, Los Angeles

The Gig that Almost Wasn’t

REVEALED, Glendale, CA

Show Trailer

Sam Shaber: Life, Death & Duran Duran

Rise and Shine

The Moth StorySlam

Hamilton: A Love Story

Open Space, Los Angeles

Silver Linings

The Moth StorySlam, New York City

Madonna: Like a Virgin

Open Space, Los Angeles


The Moth StorySlam

The Deep End

The Moth GrandSlam, Brooklyn, NY

The Ultimate Sleepover

TellIt! Storytelling Series


"Independence" - WordNow!

Sam Shaber of The Happy Problem tells her story about always racing to be a grown-up... until she became one, and it was too late. Recorded at the Fremont Centre Theatre in South Pasadena, CA for the Word Now storytelling showcase, July 17, 2016.